11 September 2005

I'm Cheese

"I got distracted by your game winning cracker."--Melanie Tomlison

Who is this man with the can of toxic waste in the middle of the park? How does this person come across any toxic waste at all? Sure, we all know that the stuff affects and does weird things to anything close to its proximity. And I don't think diluting it with water will do us much good. Hence, I got turned into cheese. And if I'm cheese, I think I would probably be pepper jack flavored. hmm....pepper jack.

Wait a second...What the crap am I doing running through toxic waste anyway? No normal human being in his right mind would go skipping through anything not FDA approved. Cool things do not happen when running through toxic waste. None of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle stuff. No DareDevil. My nothing will get enhanced. The Green Goblin and the Joker are both very creepy. I would exactly call those enhancements because both of them are really MESSED.

Also, I am reminded of the Blaster Master story. I'm going off on that sequence of images that runs when you don't press start at the title screen. Why on earth would a normal family have a drum of toxic waste in their backyard right in between their tractor and corn field? Does that seem wrong to anyone besides me? I hope so. And why is there some massive hole by the drum of toxic waste where at the bottom is some sort of titanium vehicle and why didn't I die from that 100 foot fall? This makes no sense to me whatsoever. But that space age suit fits very nicely.

Toxic Waste: Does the body bad!


LJ said...

Calvin? Is that you?

Krista said...

I told you his name was Flops.