25 March 2006

Almost as good as a handlebar mustache...

"Tan fat looks better than white fat."
--BCF customer

...okay, probably better

Five Movies You Can Watch Over and Over:
1. Ghostbusters
2. Clue
3. Private Eyes
4. Oscar
5. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Five embarrassing Songs that You Know All the Words To:
1. Race Car Ya-Yas by Cake
2. Wild Wild West by Escape Club
3. Territorial Pissings by Nirvana [not hard, it's mostly screaming]
4. Just a Girl by No Doubt
5. We Will Become Silhouettes by Postal Service

Five Memorable Halloween Costumes:
1. Clown [age young]
2. Puppy [age younger]
3. Luigi [age 8]
4. Secret Service [age 23]
5. Jawa [ages 16 and 24]

Five Celebrities You Believe May Secretly be Alien:
1. Tim Curry
2. Charlton Heston
3. Pauly Shore
4. Fred Savage
5. Jeff Goldblum

Five Occupations that You Know You Could Never Do:
1. Social Worker
2. Student Counselor
3. Mortician [I'm creepy enough already]
4. Christopher Walken
5. Hunter Gatherer

Five Books You've Recently Read Outside of Schoolwork:
1. Lost World by Michael Crichton
2. High School yearbook [probably not a good idea, those people are still on crack]
3. Filthy Potter 6
4. Instruction Manual to my microphone
5. Various words of Various prophets slash apostles

Five Ways to Perfectly Spend an Afternoon:
1. Playing improv games with buddies/friends
2. Making or editing videos/movies
3. Goofing off with great friend/s
4. Napping in a hammock
5. You suggest something

Five Lines You Blatantly Stole From a Movie, TV, a Commercial, or Song:
1. "Good Work."--Whistler, Sneakers
2. "Yes it's true..."--Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters
3. "Pbthbht"--Mrs. White, Clue
4. "...a treasure trove of linguistic anamolies."--Dr. Poole, Oscar
5. "Stay on target! Stay on Target!"--X-winger, A New Hope

Not Your 5 Favorite Foods, But the 5 You're Most Likely Eating:
1. Hamburger Helper
2. Quesadillas with the best cheese ever
3. Take 5
4. Doritos
5. Hot Pockets

5 People who should do this:
1. Doctor Jones
2. Doctress Jones
3. Several Almonds
4. Probes
5. Sly Stallone

21 March 2006

And I was happy to get it

"Settle down cheese lips!!"
--Prof. Gaskill

Really, I just wanted to give him a snuggle

So, in my last soccer game [this was about a week ago] I managed to get a yellow card. This is only the second one I have ever received after playing soccer since the age of late 14. I did nothing that I haven't done before. I just grabbed on to a guy to slow the man down. Okay, so I held on a little longer than I should have. I've done stuff like that before but have never gotten a card for it. Only this time it was already my second foul of the night. I deserved to get called. My opinion was that I probably shouldn't have received said yellow card. I've actually gotten away with worse. Fouls are basically an opinion. At least, that's my view on things. Eh...

Generally when a card is pulled, the one receiving it puts on quite the spectacle shouting out that the call was lame. I was just like "eh...oh well," and then I was told to sit out for the next two minutes. Other teammates asked what I did and I told them that I held on to his tummy. "Oh, like you were tickling him?" "Yeah, I just wanted a cuddle." So in other words, I was having fun.

Afterwards, I told the refs that they did a job well done. The one gave me the card said I was a good sport and was surprised that I didn't argue the call or anything. He said it was the first time he's ever really had somebody be okay with the call. I myself having been a referee know what it's like to be on their side. He then congratulated me for being a good sport.

I got a yellow card and I'm okay with it.

20 March 2006

Ingredient of the Day: Methylcelullose

"If Al Gore invented the internet, I invented the spellcheck."
--Dan Quayle

PC Slimfast is now in the house!

Things are going much better. I've been wanting to blog on several things but have been entirely too lazy to do anything about it. I guess you could say I'm sorry. Oh well. Anyways, I do need to pep things up because the last post was rather bitter. And, I'm not that bitter anymore. The apartment got cleaned up. Things are much more organized. Yeah, good times.

Last Saturday I went to a Harry Potter party. We watched the number 4. Not bad. The people were good. The movie was alright. We did have some riotous times in the place. Oh, then there was that quidditch game on the ceiling fan. The quaffle lost. They also had foods of of Hogwarts style. All in all, good times. Very impressive indeed. All the while I didn't even make a reference to Jackson Hole to Aimee. Though I wanted to several times. Those people are great.

Big News: I have a compy. It's name is PC Slimfast. It's one of the greatest things ever. Though, it doesn't have internet capabilities yet, it will soon and hence, things will be splendid. However, I have put in about 1.64 gigs of music on there. Now I can listen to a variety of tunes. Plus, there is also that one in eight chance that a Weezer song is boung to play. Yeah, those were the first songs to go on. What did you expect? Yay!! I have my own compy! Life is grand.

Other stuff I wanted to blog but will probably never make it

Colors of the Day: Wisteria and Tarrogan
The conversation that one person finds fecal matter funny
Keiths dad is a pimp
the crazy amount of people I saw on campus today and actually knew
Ingredients of the day: methylcelullose and glycerol ester of wood rosin
eating 9 crackers in 2.5 mins.

10 March 2006

The Inner Destruction of Apt. 4

"I've got issues with me destroying the world and all."
--Randy Savage

What can you promise and/or offer me?

First: I don't what has happened. The apartment is trash. This place is now a never-ending mess. I really have no idea what is living inside the fridge or sink. Whatever exists in either of those places makes my eyes twitch and my stomach churn. I fear those places now. Every time I open the fridge my knees go weak. I'm certainly not in love but who knows about that fridge. The living room is a disaster. I don't know where most of this stuff comes from. The front area is pretty much a cross between Mt. Saint Helens and Trenoble to put it lightly. So, I'm feaking out. I've been wanting to rant and rave for quite some time now and it feels good. Thanks.

Second: I had two people ask me to vote for them for the BYUSA presidency. "Do it as a personal favor for me?" That's pretty much what I got out of them. Now, why should I do this for you? What do you have to offer me? I mean, BYUSA president is the most useless post ever. As far as I know, they don't do anything important. Yay, you plan on campus activities that I never go to. You platform ideas will never happen. It's like you have a house to power with electricity and can only provide 10,000 ohms. Good for you. Plus, I am absolutely not influenced by you. Completely unaffected. The only time I hear about you is during mid-march when voting is going on, other than that, you interest me as much as I desire ipecac syrup. So have fun with your conquest.

01 March 2006

What's your favorite disease?

"You look more like a bulemic to me."
--Professor Gaskill

I prefer hepatitis

Now, what do you do? I've been living at this joint for quite some time now. I think it's now around 1000 days. That's nearing three years. As much as I love the place, a brother has to leave.

I look back and think to myself, the miller is a good place and I've enjoyed my time here, but I need change. And to tell you the truth, I'm excited about it. I made the decision awhile ago and I'm sticking to it. And it's about time.

There have been several people that have told me that I needed to get out of there much earlier. There are a few others that still want me to stay. Some have asked me, "what would the miller be like without Felipe?" My response is that it existed before I was ever here. The place will still exist after. I seriously don't think anyone will set fire to the place after I leave. I won't. I'm not a big fan of arson. Things will be different. That's to be expected.

This leads me to a kind of related story. I was talking to a friendgirl of mine right after class explaining my intentions of moving and how it was definite. And I've told several people that I've stayed at the Miller for several years. These people often ask why I've stayed so long. Miller doesn't really offer a whole lot. So I said to one friendgirl today that the Miller for many people is like their favorite disease. It is mine. I said, "I prefer hepatitis over gonarrhea." For a lot of people, you stick to what you're familiar with. I've wanted to move out before but a few little details have made me stay. Really, the best way I can explain why the lengthy stay is to go to some website. Sometimes, that's just the way it is.

One last list:
I won't miss the carbonated milk
I won't miss the parking lot for a front yard
I won't miss the millerization of everything
won't miss the creepy cleaning check lady
won't miss the psycho drama from over-active people
I'm done with guilt trips to get people to pointless and entirely lame activities
I will miss many friends
goodbye nasty carpet