I should be 30 ft. to my right
"You opened my cheese wrong!! I'm bitter!"--Summer
Classes started this week. Joy of all joys. I am bursting with excitement. I have quite the class schedule. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are beastly. Three classes in one classroom. So, that should become my favorite room because if not, I'm screwed!!
I know campus pretty well. I can find my way just about anywhere. I should be that well versed, I've been here going on three years now. So I'm going to my math class. We all know that there are about 40 gwazillion math classes in that stupid building. I get in and of course it's MATH 112 and/or Calculus 1. All is happy about 10 minutes into the class period I discover I'm in the wrong section. This has never happened to me before. I'm in the right level of math, but not in the correct section. I should be 30 ft. over in the classroom next to me. I decided to stay for the remaining time. Room 104 is basically the same as room 108. Just different TAs and a slightly different homework schedule. Ah well.
Already I hate the math. Good thing I don't have to take anything higher than this. As for math goes. I'm not sure exactly how we are supposed to understand this stuff. I had to buy a new book. And after having done some homework last night I discovered myself writing lame comments in it. I own the book. I can pretty much do whatever. Hence, I will. I still intend on having a good time around here. I have a billion things to do and a zillion homework to do. Got Happy Pirates "try-outs" tonight. I hope to keep some sort of balance. Maybe a scale.
We used to have math classes in the George S. Romney building. It is probably the most confusing building on the BYU-I campus. I think that they did it to torture people. It certainly tortured me. Still does actually.
Start blogging again, blowhole.
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