01 May 2007

last crusade

"I don't need the chain, just the chomp"
--one emily

bless that jones

A decision has been made. Also, the timing is something else. I am completely scared out of my mind. There is so much that I fear. I gots to build my faith.

Also I consider myself a product of the American Dream.


Keith said...

You've got a GREEN CARD?

Emily said...

I like this post for three separate reasons.

Unknown said...

so, are you gone? or back? or what? quit messing with my head, man.

also, congrats. i am no good at making decisions myself, but i whole-heartedly condone the practice.

Krebscout said...

I was led to believe that this blog was dormant. Stupid media.

hidee ho neighbor. Just five more days.