I whole heartedly give you my thumbs up
"Can you believe this? Would you look at that? Just call me "Mr. Butterfingers." I think it's on the floor somewhere. Is my face red. "
--Joe Early, UHF
Along with whatever heart is found in my thumb
This is awards show/post/blog/postblog/blag-o-blag/blogosphere. These are the favorites of the year 2006. All you need to do is to save the image in your "My Pictures" folder, print it out, make it 3-D and then throw some sort of smash party. Why? Because you all think I'm great.
So here we go:
Original idea because this man saw that we all need to be awarded somehow and who wouldn't want to follow/wallow in his footsteps. Wugs
Best retelling of an event that which spun out of control that was quickly surpressed by genius ideas and some really weird fanatics which in turn forced me to perform a phone call hence starting asking I how ask for people. J'no
This one is for an excellent 80's reference. I mean, who doesn't love Double Dare?
Best way to destroy someone's dreams. I will never do anything remotely ambitious anymore.
I just approve. Nothing more.
This should definitely be put on some sort of test. I approve for the suspense and reference to a running joke. Top shelf indeed
Blogging 101 award will go to the best introduction known man and probably several other species.
I almost peed my pants several times from reading comments by this person. And that certainly deserves recognition.
This one goes to the person who has lost most decency [and gave us a clear shot] but we still think she's great.
Of course there are more awards to give out. You all know you are great and that I enjoy your company dearly [even if we've only met vaguely once]. Actually this post is so that you make a plaster bust of me from the jpg on this post. I have no idea how you'll do it. But I trust you. Congratulations everyone! Keep up the good work.