03 February 2006

I won pre-owned footwear and two bodies

"Way to go boys, you're playing yesterdays tape."
Phil Conners, Groundhogs Day

I gave birth to a tennis ball

First of all, I would like to apologize to those people who had to repeat yesterday several hundred thousand times just to make it to today. Hope you all got it taken care of. The there was that blinking green light driving down University Pkwy. I think it was trying to tell me that I should give the bayou some respect. I drove by and completely disregarded it for your information. That's what I thought!

Then there was that time where we had a Happy Pirate show that stayed on schedule. Spared no expense making fun of the first half host one Dr. Jones. That was fun. I think every word for Spelling Bee was made up. Acronyms were created and Vladimir has probably already taken over Utah county and Michigan. 'Bout time. And I am Sheryl Crows favorite mistake.

As a second time host to a show and a forever time amateur of the improv comedy, one is bound to learn something. Of course it took Dr. Jones and I about a year and a half to learn that one something. We did some experimenting. We discovered that we only lost a small percentage of audience this time around. I'm actually getting the hang of some of this stuff. At least I'm learning something. Another valuable lesson: some of us should never impersonate JHVO. In fact, most of us won't be able to do him justice. "Bing!!"

ranting and listening to I sleep in sacks of mint

I was talking to S who can longer stand her roommates A-D. I was also told how S went on horrible date E who had to pick up brother F on said date with friend G with potential beau H. I then discovered I haven't really done activity L since Dec. J but that's okay since having talked to man K about subjects P and Q but I still want to see persons A, M, N and now I think person O is out of her gord. Then I did have a good small talk with friend R and her friend T who's not caught up on subject U. I'm weirded out.

final thought: A tribute to the man who has saved my life many a time and has made the Happy Pirates rich in racial goodness. Ah yeah!!


Ben said...

Um, I'd like to comment, but I have to see an M about an H.

Krista said...

Crack. Crack. Craaaaaack. Or maybe I'm person O.

I still want to know what you plan to do with the bodies. And the footwear.

Thanks for continuing to let me play with you kids. Gleefully pirating is one of the chief joys of my Thursdays.


Stephie said...

No I think crack is a accurate. Once again, since I don't live anywhere near all of you, I feel a little confused and miffed but I still enjoyed reading it. I think is has something to do with knowing that I will never be able to make sense of it. Thanks for making my day a little more nonsensical and mvsikra.

Chase said...

Let me tell you what he plans to do with the bodies. It's something along the lines of this.
And it's not crack. It's PCP. I keep trying to score some off him, but he hides it too well.