24 February 2005


"So... backwards, in what direction?"--The Skousenator

I should probably be doing homework as always, but I think we've already ascertained how I work. I'm okay with that. Today was about as normal as could be and whatnot. However, after classes and work and all else I went up to Barnes & Noble with a good friend to purchase Moleskines. The trip was good. We listened to some La Oreja de Van Gogh and discussed the usual moot points that infect our minds. Quite enjoyable really.

To elucidate, the Moleskine is one of those little black books. Yes, I'm one of those peoples. One generally envisages (if I am not equitable, please correct me) hmm....secrets, thoughts, zeal, inner-workings of oneself. For the most part yes. Secrets not so much (actually, all my secrets are esoteric in a box of Cheez-its underneath Brando's bed, not in the Moleskine). So this is the third one I will have. Out of the two that I have written in, they both have a stipulated personality to them. Each one at variance. And to tell the verisimilitude, I am excited what this new one will have in store.

Here's the basis of what goes into the Moleskine. The general journal entries, personal thoughts and quotes (either feel-good or funny). The above quote was written down last night due to a very relishable conversation the roomies and I had. So, pretty much whatever I decide to put in goes in. And that's about it. I'm averaging about four months per one. Well, whatever works. Please watch your step on your way out.

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