Man, you really freak me out
"I know you don't mean no harm,
you're just doing your thing,
but man, you really freak me out"
--Freak Me Out, Weezer
This just stemming off a conversation that I had a couple of days ago in mine own kitchen. You know, there are many people out there is this here world and we all have these crazy quirks, ideas, personalities and what have you. Then we end up doing lots of stuff. We do stuff with other peoples and maybe possibly our with ourselves but depending on the mood, we'll do a certain variety of who knows what.
With all of that said and done, we must also realize [this is beginning to sound like some sort of lecture on chemistry, or social behavior or] we come up with ideas and plans that never come to pass. We do not do these ideas because of many reasons. I'll name a few:
a. The stupidity of the idea
b. There's no possible way to even accomplish it
c. We have no backbone
d. The convincing powers of peoples you know
e. Warwick Davis
f. The sheer creepiness of you actually doing it
I myself will only expound on the latter. If you're in the beginnings of the process of the actions and you feel weirded out, creepy, thinking that whoever is going to be on the receiving end of this is going to have their mind blown away; you're probably right. If it seems creepy, more than likely that is the case. You should probably get to know the person before you do anything. Once you know the person, then you're allowed to get away with a lot more stuff. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
I would like to say now that you should only do things that you are comfortable with but that would get some people into trouble. Once again I would like to say people have their own opinions and good luck to you with the social scene [hint, I've failed several times].
Sometimes I think that creepiness and romanticism share a very thin line. Now there's an argument for you.