05 November 2006

official citizenship to Mexinadia

"I never knew my heart existed outside make believe."
--I Saw It On Your Keyboard, Hellogoodbye

Apply Today!!

This is the basic design for a Mexinadian passport/citizenship card. This is what I did on Friday. I'm figuring out how to reproduce it in such a manner to give out to qualified applicants. Hopefully that won't take too long so you can get yours as soon as possible. I do have the application which you must paste and copy then email me when filled out.


First name:

Last name:

Middle initial:

three favorite bands

favorite movie

someone famous who you apparently look like

a digital picture of yourself

a digital copy of your signature

a paragraph of why you think you deserve to be a citizen of Mexinadia


That is all. Happy applying!


LJ said...

Holy wow. Holy freaking wow. I need one of those. Application forthcoming.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up