Refreshed, like unto feeding chickens
"Call Cindy, and we're staying at your mom's place!"--benja
So after taking three tests this week, being in charge of several different activities, having officials checking out how well I'm doing at work, I was feeling pretty stressed. And the fact that almost the entirety of my intramural soccer team decided to ditch me, I was getting rather down on myself. So hence, Friday morn rolls along and while at work, I was thinking, "Self, you know, you're in kind of a rut. You need a change of scenery and what have you." And that's when the idea struck me. I called up my cousin as soon as I had the chance and he let me stay at his place for the night. I got myself out of town. That was the plan, [get her].
As much as I love where I live and who I live with, sometimes, I just need to get out and escape. Now don't get me wrong! I certainly don't live in Absolom or anything like that, it's just that one needs to go somewhere or do something that's not part of the daily grind. And that's exactly what I did.
We hardly did anything at all but I woke up this morning feeling like I could take on the world. My cousin lives about an hour and half drive away from me and ten minutes further live the grandparents. So this morning I had breakfast with G & G Sorensen. Grandma of course had to show me some of the stuff she had going on and also had me go with Grandpa to feed the chickens. That was rather quite fun.
After I got back to my place I just chilled with some old friends. Good times indeed. There was kickball, talent show [which consisted of a leopard skin suit], guitars unplugged and seeing extended family all today. Man, it was good. Plus, Bucknell beat Kansas. I was all over that and it made my day even better. And now it's just time to settle down and relax. Mmmm....Reese's and Mountain Dew. The latter does the body.....sumpin' else? You are great! And know this, I love you all.
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