There's always a cult
"Join the Nintendo fan club today Mac!!"--Doc, Punch Out!!
Ah, the joys of listening to one half or one side of a conversation. Hence, I had a thought. Cult and Mainstream concepts, ideas, items, fads and whatnot. So my basic idea is thus:
Mainstream- Everybody is into it and there's no problem
Cult- Only a small amount of people are into it and many people have a problem with that
So, the only differences in the eyes that I claim as my own are the following; the amount of people into something and the amount of people having a big deal about those into that one thing. Frankly, I believe that no matter what you are into, somebody somewhere has a problem with it. Hence, everyone is in a cult. Pogs, Magic: the gathering, pokemon cards, punching people in the face. Those may or may not be good examples of what I am talking about. Right now for me it's those plastic tie things used at work that I use for bracelets. And would someone please burn that oven mitt. [grrrrrr......]
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