25 July 2005

You said this

"Ray, the sponges migrated about a foot and a half."--Dr. Venkman, Ghostbusters

Sometimes, I kind of hear. I think a lot of people do that. Some peoples more often than others but whatever is just fine. *wink and thumbs up* Also there are those times when you try to say something but two thoughts or words come out at the same time and you get an order of phonemes that has yet to have ever been auscultated. Also, people sometimes mispronounce things and that often makes for good times indeed. Where I'm at, this creation of new phonematical orders will often find their way into everyday conversation. And my roommate [being a linguistics major] will probably have my head for even coming up with the word "phonematical". At least I understand what I'm getting at.

Classic example in one Homestarrunner shindig. The word "grood". Teen Girl Squad #4 will work. And now for examples from my personal happenstances. First off, the word "stacy". It means thus following: really, really tasty. Why? Do you ask? Story: I was eating food and Dr. Jones asked me how my food was and I said "Tasty" but he heard "stacy" and hence, new term, and we use it. Middle finger, the word and/or concept "E-cuddle". Someone was talking about their Economy class and said "ECON" and clearly I misheard what they said and the concept of E-cuddling came about. In fact, I don't even want to define E-cuddling. I'll let your imagination wander or something like that. C, the word "Screepy". It's a cross between scary and creepy. A combination of both.

I know that there's more out there but as of right now I'm just trying to correct m spelling errors while typing. Defibe? I don't know.

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