13 October 2006

I play like this every day

"What did the president know, and when did he know it?"
--Howard Baker

"As far as I am concerned now, I have no enemies in the press whatsoever."
--Richard Nixon

Today and I are good friends

So, we all know it's Fiday the 13th. Superstition galore. People freaking out, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!! You know how it goes. I guess you could say that I'm sort of a believer in superstitions. This is how it goes: I generally did things a certain way before soccer games and track meets in high school. There was also the traditional nicotine patch for my events in track. This is a system that I've created for myself and hence, only applies to myself. As for everyday kinds of things, I think it's all people doing their own thing and people with with lucks good and bad overall.

Myself? I deal with all kinds of stuff every day. Dealing with the general public usually hammers me inside and out. I disagree with a lot of things. What actually happens to me is almost never what I wanted to happen. I deal with whatever comes my way. I deal with a lot of crappiness. This is what I do. I'm making the best I can. I'm optimistic but I also prepare for the bad. So this I say to Friday the 13th:

Bring it!!

1 comment:

Ben said...

And the Thirteenth, she did bring it.