31 July 2005

Do I really have any idea what this blog is about?

"Because who in their right mind would live in Kansas?"--Prof. Fellingham

I'm mostly bored right now so whatever shows up on this post is not my fault!! Okay so maybe it is but that's besides the point. And I don't really have anything better to do. I guess I could find some way to harass my arch nemesis but I'm also lazy. Just ask any of the three couches in the living room.

So I don't have a cpu. Dr. Jones lets me use his. I use it mostly to check the emails and blog. Mostly. As I am sitting here, I notice the one flake of french toast cereal on his desk. I don't know exactly how long it's been there. But it has been awhile. I'm almost attached to it. I shouldn't be at all. This is weird.

Star Wars! So I went to the dollar theater twice this weekend. Outside there were these peoples dressed up as Star Wars characters. I think they were professional dresser uppers. Because those costumes were dang cool. My favorites were the Stormtrooper and the Jawa. The jawa was about four feet tall. Man, that was the coolest ever. And the stormtrooper, well, come to think of it, I've had fond memories pretending to be one of thems. Also, I was really tempted to go up to the stormtrooper and say the following, "These are not the droids you are looking for...We may go about our business...Move along." I believe I was really giddy.

Things I have been for Halloween:
a clown
Luigi (brother was Mario)
John Travolta
Secret Service

I'm going to trash that french toast flake right now and I can't type worth beans.

29 July 2005

Weapon of choice: Spread

"That's going to kill you every time."--Bro. Skinner

Just got off work this afternoon and I open my apartment door to find Dr. Jones playing Super Contra. Yup, the old 8-bit system still works. He proceeded to look at me and then got hosimified. Twice. Jones then stated that he needed to start over and I said "You clearly need another person to play with you." There was an agreement and we started a new game. Jones always takes the blue pants. I always have the red pants. It can't be any other way. We get confused. We have a system of playing. It's unwritten and it just sort of came about. Man, we're good!! It's the double rapid spread combo. That pretty much destroys everything. We beat the game in about 30 minutes. It was my turn to shine this time around. I don't know how many times we've beat it. The ending's lame. But we love it nonetheless.

Like many of the old Nintendo games, we have no idea what the story line is. Contra starts out like many other war type-ish games. Then it gets absolutely weird. Nothing is explained during gameplay. You just run around shooting everything in sight. The story line is always in the instruction booklet. At least back then they were. Take a look at Metroid and the Legend of Zelda. You just killed things. Anything. Plus, you probably didn't even know the names of the things you were killing. Possibly the end bosses like Ridley, Kraid and Ganon. And they gave you power-ups, 1-ups, energy tank-ups and all kinds of flashy things. It was beautiful.

The great thing was, that you could beat many of these games within two hours. The original Zelda. I timed myself at an hour and 20 minutes. Not bad if I say so myself. Can you do that nowadays? I thought not. What the I must waste 70 hours of my life getting every single item and doing every little sub-story line? Eh.... I swear that those games keep time solely for the purpose of showing you how much of loser you are. [I will say that I am that big of a loser when it comes to the Zelda games, CRAP!!]

Another sign that I am a loser is the fact that I have many of the theme musics memorized. Like unto Mario's 1 and 2, Legend of Zelda, MegaMan, possibly even Bubble Bobble along with many others. I believe I can whistle or doot-do any of them. Yes, I am old school.

27 July 2005

Dang! I have a girlfriend

"You cultural imperialists!!"--Dr. Jones

Wednesday, May 2nd of 2001, La Grande, Oregon. I find myself going to institute. I see a bunch of good friends that I haven't seen in awhile due to the fact that they've been away to college. Lesson is over and treats are served. While eating some cake and ice cream [always such a good combo] I end up talking to my good friend Ori Waite and she introduces me to one Amethyst Freeman. I dropped some ice cream next to the foot of said Amethyst and not too long afterward I head home slightly blushing.

Friday, May 4th of said 2001, Ori's house. I'm invited to a somewhat large get together at the Waites house. The usuals show up. Aria, Candace, Pam, Blaine, Amethyst and a few others including myself. We try a bonfire in the backyard. That happened to be a fiasco. However, during that time I got to talking to that one Amethyst. The conversation is quite good and lo and behold, we hit it off. So, by the end of the night, we get to holding hands. Everyone goes home. I'm a bit unsure what to think right now.

Sunday, May 6th once again in the year of 2001, Stake Conference. Talks were good. We heard from the local Mission President. I see Amethyst a little bit during. After the meeting, Amethyst and I hug, say a few things and we're off in our seperate ways. She's cute.

Wednesday, May 9th of the very same 2001, Provo, Utah. Having been set apart as a missionary the previous Sunday, I enter the MTC where I plan on learning spanish and spending nearly two years in southeast Mexico preaching the good word. Basic rule for the missionaries: girls no touchie!! Amehtyst and I write consistantly for two months. I find out her last name during this time. We have one fight. Through letters, yes that is possible, let me tell you!!

During the next year and about one half there were many letters and e-mails. We both found out a whole heap about one another. And I must say some of those letters made me blush [somewhat a lot]. I liked her and she liked me. Plus, that package was beautiful! I didn't know so many sweets could fit into that size container.

About August of the year 2002 the letters and emails stop coming. For some reason I didn't mind so much. Probably because I didn't know said Amethyst all that well having met her on three different occasions. Then follows January of 2003 in which I get the infamed "Dear John" letter where Amethyst tells me that she is getting hitchimified 11 days before I return to ye United States of America. She also tells me that it was okay if we still wrote to each other. I guess I was okay with that.

Not too long after the "Dear John" letter I emailed her and asked if I burn her letters and pictures for "traditions sake". Many of the missionaries often do this after they get dumped. I just wanted her permission to do so. I didn't get an email or letter back. So, I took my liberties. However, looking back, I wish I hadn't burnt them. Because they would have made great conversation pieces and also to see how mushy they were. Ah crap!! Well, everyone their own story.

25 July 2005

You said this

"Ray, the sponges migrated about a foot and a half."--Dr. Venkman, Ghostbusters

Sometimes, I kind of hear. I think a lot of people do that. Some peoples more often than others but whatever is just fine. *wink and thumbs up* Also there are those times when you try to say something but two thoughts or words come out at the same time and you get an order of phonemes that has yet to have ever been auscultated. Also, people sometimes mispronounce things and that often makes for good times indeed. Where I'm at, this creation of new phonematical orders will often find their way into everyday conversation. And my roommate [being a linguistics major] will probably have my head for even coming up with the word "phonematical". At least I understand what I'm getting at.

Classic example in one Homestarrunner shindig. The word "grood". Teen Girl Squad #4 will work. And now for examples from my personal happenstances. First off, the word "stacy". It means thus following: really, really tasty. Why? Do you ask? Story: I was eating food and Dr. Jones asked me how my food was and I said "Tasty" but he heard "stacy" and hence, new term, and we use it. Middle finger, the word and/or concept "E-cuddle". Someone was talking about their Economy class and said "ECON" and clearly I misheard what they said and the concept of E-cuddling came about. In fact, I don't even want to define E-cuddling. I'll let your imagination wander or something like that. C, the word "Screepy". It's a cross between scary and creepy. A combination of both.

I know that there's more out there but as of right now I'm just trying to correct m spelling errors while typing. Defibe? I don't know.

23 July 2005

Arch Nemesismanship

"Alright you primitive screw-heads, listen up!!"--Ash, Army of Darkness

I forgot how funny Army of Darkness was. So many quotable lines. Humor vs. Horror and Humor won. So, that movie was viewed last night at my Arch Nemesis' apartment. The night was spent venting about work, the screepy people there, cling-ons, heckling those listed above, each other and discussing an assortment of other topics like Harry Potter, blogs and the man on the motorcycle with the sexy neck and eyes. You get the idea.

First off, 'twas so nice to just to get out of my apartment and do something, anything, not there. I was at the HQ of my arch nemesis. I mean, what better way to spend the evening? Watching movies, discussing, heckling and commentating who knows what the good goosin' heck!!

One of the topics discussed was about titles. Everyone has a title to someone else whether it be friend, passing acquaintances, Sandra D. or whatever else. I've modestly earned my title as an arch nemesis. I'm okay with that. She's mine. She claims to be good. I claim neither good nor evil. This whole let's be enemies is just between us two. And it's good fun.

What was especially fun was that I learned of some of her weaknesses. Ooh, this is great!! I could tell everyone what they are but, seeing as we are arch enemies to each other and no one else, it wouldn't be right of me to spread the word. It's some sort of unwritten code or something like that and I don't want her to have the desire to destroy my soul. She's allowed to destroy my ego but I'm rather fond of whatever is left of my soul. Besides that, I enjoy the fun we poke at each other. I have to keep her around just for that. But at least I found a weakness. Well, she told it to me straight up. Anyway, she got the 1-up on me on other stuff. She's better at the slander and can cut me down like nobody's business. So, we're even. And besides, we have to have a reason to keep up our title. Ha ha!!

21 July 2005

Crap hits the fan

"I am vindicated, I am selfish, I am wrong,
I am right I swear I'm right,
Swear I knew it all along,
And I am flawed,
but I am cleaning up so well,
I am seeing in me now,
the things you swore you saw yourself."
--Vindicated, Dashboard Confessional

I hoped for a lot this week. I wanted so much. And yet again, the world has turned and left me here. I believe I have good intentions. I try hard when I find something I want. I am able to focus. Sure I'm not perfect but I'll take a good stab at it. Am I hoping for the wrong things? Should I have my focus elsewhere? What do I give in to? What do I resist? Why does everything have to come down all at once? I'm tired of this crap. I just want to slip away and just have the leaves in North Carolina just bury me! Bury Me!! I don't want to do your sleepwalk dance anymore, I just want to go to Summerland. Why is it that when I come to the rescue I get left behind? I can hear them talking in the real world but they don't understand. Don't fall down now you will never get up.

I want to be saved.

19 July 2005

I have two brains

"We stayed at home to write, to consolidate our outstretched selves."--Sylvia Plath

Brain number one is located in my head. It's supposed to process any and all information it collects. It has its good days and its bad. Brain number two is on paper. I write. It's for recollection. It keeps track of everything. Storage space is purchased from the Moleskine Co. Somehow for me, this works.

Only I have to understand

"Sometimes the most real things are the things you can't see."--Tom Hanks, Polar Express

My experiences are my own. I have my own reasoning. The fact of the matter is that I will do my own thing and follow my own path. What I do and how I feel depend completely on the way I view things. And at times like these I don't think I'll ever be able to explain things so that others will see exactly what I see. That does not matter to me though. What does matter is that I do what I feel is right. I respect those who do likewise. I cannot ask for more.

18 July 2005

I must wait my turn

"I hope to risk everything for what is right."--William Hurt, The Village

Tonight I am unable to write my thoughts down in my journal. I am calm. It is so nice to read someone else's perspective. I hope and pray for what is right. Tonight, someone else has the pen.

16 July 2005

It does exist

"If you did that, I would have to shiv you."--Nathalia

There are things I hope for. I had a job interview last Wednesday. There's a girl that I like. Interview went well and now I just have to wait to know if I got the job. My friends express confidence in me. That helps. I went on a date with said girl and we had a good time. Now what's my next step. These stem to the following: I hate waiting and what the crap do I do next? I know I need to plan for the best and the worst but that's so hard!! I hope, I hope. Even when things look good I still fear. I hope...

I have been good these past two weeks. Kick over that rock!! I've done well with keeping my goals and I feel good for the most part. My confidence has grown but it's still shaky every now and again. The unkown is killer. I'll do my part and I'll leave the rest to the Man upstairs.

You can be dispensed

"We're just two ordinary people hating the crap out of each other."--Audrey H.

So, I've decided that many people, more often that not, have the collective IQ of a brick. There was this massive camp-out shindig and once again I realized that a lot of people are careless twits. Signs are pretty clear, so why the blazes are you driving in the wrong direction? Do you not know how to read? I don't care out if we are in the middle of freaking nowhere, so please have some respect. It's not that hard. It's not inconvenient.

Don't throw anything at my car even if it is just a water balloon. Apologize once and go away. I don't care for any explanation or lengthy groveling for forgiveness. Please depart.

You got a ride up here. That means someone has a car and you transported here by their kindness. I know I have six seatbelts. Just know this: please ask for a ride. Do not expect that you will automatically get one if you just follow the group up to my vehicle. I am an easy-going man but I am not okay with everything. I am not always happy. You cannot expect me to be happy all the time. I experience different emotions. I am human.

Respect other people. Don't take open space just because it's there. People need a margin of error. No one is perfect. There is tolerance, stepping on the toes, being entirely too strict and also stupidity. Know your limits. Do not test them.

13 July 2005

I feel like a jerk

"So, which one are you hitting up first?"--Dr. Jones

I have good friends. They treat me well. And sometimes I feel like I am a nobk and/or jerk to them. 'tis in my blood [I do believe] to often times disregard other peoples thoughts, feelings or opinions. Sometimes that's needed but today I had horrible timing. I have no real conscious desire to destroy your hopes and ambitions but sometimes I just suck!!! I'm sorry!!

12 July 2005

There's always a cult

"Join the Nintendo fan club today Mac!!"--Doc, Punch Out!!

Ah, the joys of listening to one half or one side of a conversation. Hence, I had a thought. Cult and Mainstream concepts, ideas, items, fads and whatnot. So my basic idea is thus:

Mainstream- Everybody is into it and there's no problem

Cult- Only a small amount of people are into it and many people have a problem with that

So, the only differences in the eyes that I claim as my own are the following; the amount of people into something and the amount of people having a big deal about those into that one thing. Frankly, I believe that no matter what you are into, somebody somewhere has a problem with it. Hence, everyone is in a cult. Pogs, Magic: the gathering, pokemon cards, punching people in the face. Those may or may not be good examples of what I am talking about. Right now for me it's those plastic tie things used at work that I use for bracelets. And would someone please burn that oven mitt. [grrrrrr......]

08 July 2005

Goin' to TOWN!!

"That's what I go for, scoring....[awkward pause]. Points I mean."--Christine

Sorry. 'Tis been awhile. There was about two or three times these past 30 days in which I've tried to blog but the connection each time got screwy and I lost what I wrote. Not so enjoyable I tell you. And doing things twice is not my favorite activity. But what can you do? [shut up, I know]

This past month I've had some crazy ups and downs. Mostly just what the heck I so desire in life. I did take a road trip to Reno which helped a whole heap. So good to get out of town and see something different. Car troubles were something else though. Cars are expensive. Couldn't Harrison Ford or someone rich give me a billion dollars or something, I would really like that.

The comedy troupe is still quite joyous. We had our first public show not too long ago. It turned out quite well. I would like to do that more often. Except for the part in which one of the players jacks their knee. But all is well. We got her ice cream.

Work is lazy and dumb. I got my raise. I am currently looking for another job because I hate custodial forever and I gots an interview to be a referee. That's right up my alley. I would like that a lot.

Now for the goin' to town part. This started out Tuesday afternoon when I was doing laundry. I cleaned out my closet drawers by throwing away some really worn out clothing and putting other stuff in storage [hint: underneath my bed]. I organized everything there and in my closet. The closet door actually closes which hasn't happened for several months I do believe. Then last night I went to town on my dresser. I trashed pretty much everything I don't need. I can see my floor. My bed is made. I feel dang good. I've started over this week. Kick that rock!! I'm signing out. Love you all.