"It's just trash, but we love it!"--Taylor
Work for the most part is really crappy. It's monotonous, boring, the occasional jerk and the not so uncommon weirdo. However, there are a few perks about the job like unto listening to my boss mispronounce my name, tooth-picking lint traps and talking with some of the peoples which include but not limited to: Jules, Darbs, D-Slice, Kayla, Mary, Tee-Lore and so forth. We always end up talking about how much we hate our jobs, telling Tee-Lore to shove it, him telling me the same in retort, relationships and how boys/girls are dumb in general with the occasional exception [Matsugi, you are the greatest exception ever!!].
I am very well caught up in the lives of Darbs, Jules and D-Slice plus a few others. One's about to take the next step in life, another took a leap of faith, one discovered that the man treats her like every other girl, plus one who is basically official and the other which wants something to happen but apparently, he's got no gumption. We got all kinds of scenarios. It's fun. I input advice where I can if asked. There have been many a good story.
Another perk has been scoring free stuff. [bénxa] has the lawn chair that was scored during summer. Some people have scored CD's, clothes, a movie or two and many other things. I somehow was the one who always found the creepy man posters, granted there were only two and one of which found itself right above Keith's bed. Two days ago, I was having a good chat with the Shanna and D-Slice at which point I flicked my shoe from my foot somewhere in the conversation. Slice then asked me what size shoe I wore and I told him what I wore. Generally a size too large because I'm not a big fan of tying the laces. He then informed me of some shoes in the DI box downstairs. I checked them out. They fit and I was impressed with the style. They're on my feet as of this moment. I was rather pleased with myself.
I try to make the best of everything. Somehow I've managed to there for entirely too long. But the place does have it's good points [however nowhere near as many good points as one Matsugi, I'm sorry, you just can't top her]. I really enjoy my life right now, mostly because of Matsugi but a new pair of shoes was nice.
Sometimes, it doesn't seem like a month. But I'm okay with that.